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Public Scoping
The National Park Service (NPS) is requesting your input in developing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for proposed actions to enhance cellular and Internet services and data network capacity in Grand Canyon National Park.
These services are currently insufficient to support the needs of visitors—who totaled close to 6.4 million in 2018, the NPS, and park partners including concessioners, non-profit organizations, tribes, the public school, a medical clinic, utility company, and other local and federal law enforcement agencies. Action is needed at this time to address these deficiencies and develop guidance for types and locations of telecommunications infrastructure within the park that minimizes impacts to natural and cultural resources and visitor experiences.
The current proposed action includes accommodating up to five additional telecommunications towers within developed areas on the North and South Rims, the installation of small-cell nodes in high visitor use areas, and the installation of fiber optic communications cable along existing corridors. The proposed action also includes the removal or relocation of existing telecommunications infrastructure. For example, one existing telecommunications tower within Grand Canyon Village may be relocated to an area outside of the historic district. All new or relocated telecommunications infrastructure would be sited, designed, and constructed in adherence to NPS-identified parameters in order to avoid or minimize impacts to park resources. For example, towers would be limited in height based on the surrounding area, sited outside of historic districts, designed to blend into surroundings, and would be able to accommodate a number of carriers. See the attached documents for additional information.
Public comments on the proposed action will be accepted until midnight, August 11, 2019. During this time, any individual or group can submit scoping comments electronically through this website, which is the preferred method for submitting comments, in person at public scoping open house events (see meeting notices on the left side of this webpage), or by mail.
During this public scoping period, we welcome comments on all aspects of the proposed action, including any related to historic properties or other cultural resources, in compliance with both the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act. Comments that provide insights about the project purpose and need and the park's current proposal are particularly helpful. New ideas and proposals are welcome.
Following the public comment period, the NPS will analyze and consider all feedback and prepare an environmental assessment (EA), in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, to develop and evaluate alternatives. The National Park Service will also be consulting with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer and the 11 traditionally associated tribes of the Grand Canyon, in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, throughout this planning process.
Please download the documents below for more information about the proposed project. Click "Comment Now" to provide your thoughts. Again, comments will be accepted through midnight, August 11, 2019.
Comment Period:
Jul 22, 2019 - Aug 20, 2019
Document Content: |
Press Release for Telecommunications Plan Public Scoping_508_20190722.pdf
(259.5 KB, PDF file)
Telecommunications Plan Public Scoping Information_508_20190722.pdf
(10.7 MB, PDF file)
Telecommunications Public Scoping Webinar Presentation_508_20190806.pdf
(15.2 MB, PDF file)
Requested Map of GCVillage with Areas to be Considered for Tower Placement.jpg
(12.7 MB, Image file)
FAQs for Telecommunications Plan Public Scoping_508_20190722.pdf
(116.2 KB, PDF file)
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