Administrative Record File

This file contains the documents, thus far, that comprise the administrative record for environmental work at the Lower Kaweah dump site within the Giant Forest area of Sequoia National Park. Documents comprising the Administrative Record File includes:

a. The Administrative Record Index (2-paged table listing the documents for the project to date)

b. Site Investigation Report, Giant Forest ‐ Lower Kaweah Dump Area, Sequoia National Park, California- November 1998

c. Engineering Evaluation & Cost Analysis Approval Memorandum- November 7, 2013; signed by the Pacific West Regional Director on April 3, 2014

d. Work Plan for Additional Site Assessment, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park - Lower Kaweah Dump Area. This document includes: Attachment A- Sampling and Analysis Plan / Quality Assurance Project Plan (SAP/QAPP); and, Attachment B- Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP). March 31, 2014

e. Community Relations Plan- July 9, 2014

f. DRAFT Engineering Evaluation/ Cost Analysis Report, Lower Kaweah Dump Area (SWMU #11), November 5, 2014

g. FINAL Engineering Evaluation/ Cost Analysis Report, Lower Kaweah Dump Area (SWMU #11), March 13, 2015

h. Action Memorandum: Request for Non-Time-Critical Removal Action at Lower Kaweah Dump Area at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Tulare County, California
Document Content:
Community Relations Plan- July 2014   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Administrative Record File Index   (52.7 KB, PDF file)
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