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East And South Vancouver Barracks: Investigation Summary And Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis

This document presents the results of an engineering evaluation/cost analysis (EE/CA) performed to identify and select a removal action to be performed at the East and South Vancouver Barracks (ESVB), located within the boundaries of the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site (FOVA), Vancouver, Washington. The ESVB is on lands owned by the United States and managed by the National Park Service (NPS). In exercising its delegated response authority under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq., and the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 300, the NPS retained Windward Environmental LLC (Windward) to conduct an EE/CA. This EE/CA describes and provides supporting documentation for a non-time-critical removal action (NTCRA), hereafter referred to as
the removal action, to be conducted at the FOVA ESVB. The EE/CA was conducted in compliance with CERCLA, the NCP, and US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Guidance on Conducting Non-Time-Critical Removal Actions Under CERCLA (1993).

This EE/CA report is a streamlined, focused document that provides site characterization data, assesses risks to human health, evaluates ecological exposures, evaluates various response alternatives, recommends a preferred response alternative, and provides a vehicle for public involvement. This EE/CA was conducted in accordance with the NPS-approved EE/CA work plan (Windward 2012a).
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 31, 2014 - Mar 1, 2014
Topic Questions:
1. Does the preferred alternative presented in the EE/CA meet the objectives stated in the paragraph above?
Document Content:
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