Draft Dog Management Plan/ Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

The National Park Service released the Draft Dog Management Plan/Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (draft plan/SEIS) on September 6, 2013, for a 90-day public comment period. Following the government shutdown in October, the comment period was extended 38 days, to January 11, 2014. However, due to continued concern from some stakeholders, the comment period has been extended a second time, to Tuesday, February 18, 2014. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Comments must be entered before11 p.m. Pacific Time/midnight Mountain Time on February 18th ).

The park will accept all comments related to the dog management plan, but we encourage you to focus your comments on the changes in the draft plan/SEIS that were made as a result of comments on the 2011 draft EIS. Changes in this Supplemental EIS include the following:

• site specific analysis for Rancho Corral de Tierra
• new data and references, including scientific studies and law enforcement and visitor use data
• additional Americans with Disabilities Act elements and analysis
• changes to the impacts analysis, including additional analysis of potential redistributive effects
• changes to the compliance-based management strategy (now called the monitoring-based management strategy) that remove automatic triggers and restrictions and add natural and cultural resource monitoring
• adjustments to dog walking access for five sites in the preferred alternative
Comment Period: Closed        Sep 6, 2013 - Feb 18, 2014
Document Content:
GOGA Fall 2013 SEIS Appendix G-L   (10.7 MB, PDF file)
GOGA 2013 Compendium   (815.2 KB, PDF file)
GOGA Fall 2013 SEIS Complete Text   (10.2 MB, PDF file)
SEIS Errata_110813   (109.6 KB, PDF file)
READERS GUIDE   (27.7 KB, PDF file)
GOGA Fall 2013 SEIS Appendix A-F   (10.0 MB, PDF file)
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