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Merced River Plan/DEIS Public Review

Yosemite National Park presents the Merced Wild and Scenic River Draft Comprehensive Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement. The final draft of this plan will guide the management of the Merced River in Yosemite for the next 20 years.

The draft plan represents a rich collaboration amongst the public, research scientists, park partners, traditionally-associated American Indians, and park staff to explore visions for the future of Yosemite Valley and the Merced Wild and Scenic River. The draft plan brings forward the best in science, stewardship, and public engagement to ensure continual protection and enhancement of the rare, unique, and exemplary qualities of the Merced River.

The Draft Preferred Alternative (Alternative 5) represents a balance between resource protection and visitor use and access. This draft alternative proposes to:

- Restore more than 200 acres of meadow and riparian habitat
- Evaluate the success of our restoration goals through a robust monitoring program
- Remove and/or redesign facilities that are subject to flooding
- Continue to support visitors' freedom to access Yosemite Valley by private vehicle while enjoying increased public transit and expanded shuttle bus service
- Reduce traffic congestion and crowding through organized and efficient parking for day-use visitors and improvements to circulation

We invite you to review and comment on the Draft Plan (containing 13 chapters and 15 appendices), Planning Maps/Conceptual Site Drawings (available in the document and online), and/or the Summary Guide (a condensed digest of the plan). Additional review materials are available on the park website

Due to the significance of this plan, the Park has scheduled an extended 90-day public comment period from January 18 through April 18, 2013. To submit a comment, click on the "Comment on Document" button link on the left-hand side of the screen.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 8, 2013 - Apr 30, 2013
Document Content:
Volume 1 Executive Summary   (419.1 KB, PDF file)
Volume 1 Chapter 2 Purpose and Need   (199.7 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2 Cover and Table of Contents   (3.9 MB, PDF file)
Volume 2 Chapter 11 List of Preparers   (889.4 KB, PDF file)
Volume 2 Chapter 13 References   (317.7 KB, PDF file)
Appendix A Actions that Ammend the GMP   (697.2 KB, PDF file)
Appendix B Cumulative Actions   (153.8 KB, PDF file)
Appendix C Mitigation Measures   (238.3 KB, PDF file)
Appendix H Scenic Vista Management   (3.2 MB, PDF file)
Appendix M ORV Changes over Time   (228.5 KB, PDF file)
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