Environmental Assessment for the 34th America's Cup

The National Park Service and the U.S. Coast Guard, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Presidio Trust, announce the availability of the Environmental Assessment (EA) of the 34th America's Cup Races. The races would take place on the lands and waters administered by federal government. This analysis is being done under the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA, 42 USC 4332(2)(C)).

On December 31, 2010, the City of San Francisco was chosen as the location to host the 34th America's Cup (AC34) sailing races. The America's Cup race events are proposed to take place in Summer‐Fall 2013, with preliminary "World Series" races in Summer‐Fall 2012. Races are proposed for marine areas subject to the U.S. Coast Guard authority and increased visitation is expected for lands managed by the National Park Service and the Presidio Trust. In addition, in-water construction and dredging are proposed along the San Francisco waterfront and would be subject to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authority. The EA evaluates potential environmental consequences of implementing the alternatives.
Comment Period: Closed        Jun 7, 2012 - Jul 7, 2012
Document Content:
Appendix H - Noise Modeling   (205.7 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 - Alternatives - Part 1   (2.7 MB, PDF file)
Appendix F - Special Status Species   (477.9 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 - Alternatives - Part 2   (2.6 MB, PDF file)
Appendix B - Concern Statement Report   (359.5 KB, PDF file)
Summary of Environmental Assessment   (1.4 MB, PDF file)
Appendix A - Federal Regulations   (94.5 KB, PDF file)
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