Legislation, Guidance, and Other Background Information

These documents are not under review, but are provided for your information.

Documents included are related laws, regulations, policies, guidance, and existing planning documents related to wilderness and wilderness management for Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.
Document Content:
1986 SEKI Backcountry Mgmt Plan   (1.7 MB, PDF file)
Summary of Stock Use 1960-2009   (188.7 KB, PDF file)
2014 Stock Users Guide   (1.9 MB, PDF file)
2014 Minimum Impact Restrictions   (905.4 KB, PDF file)
The National Park Service Organic Act   (15.3 KB, PDF file)
Wilderness Use Statistics for 2011   (126.4 KB, PDF file)
1986 and 1990 Addendums to BMP/SUMMP   (118.7 KB, PDF file)
Final Campsite Report by Cole, 2012   (2.6 MB, PDF file)
Keeping It Wild (2008, Landres et.al.)   (701.5 KB, PDF file)
The Wilderness Act of 1964   (78.7 KB, PDF file)
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