Northern Rocky Mountains Invasive Plant Management Plan Environmental Assessment

The ten national parks involved in the plan include: Big Hole National Battlefield (Montana), City of Rocks National Reserve (Idaho), Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve (Idaho), Fossil Butte National Monument (Wyoming), Golden Spike National Historic Site (Utah), Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site (Montana), Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument (Idaho), Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument (Montana), Minidoka National Historic Site (Idaho), and Nez Perce National Historical Park, Bear Paw Battlefield Site (Montana).
Comment Period: Closed        Feb 22, 2011 - Apr 11, 2011
Document Content:
Appendices E-G   (3.6 MB, PDF file)
Appendices H-J, L-M and O   (3.3 MB, PDF file)
Chapter II. Purpose and Need   (3.7 MB, PDF file)
Appendices A, C, D   (4.1 MB, PDF file)
Chapter I. Introduction   (4.6 MB, PDF file)
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