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Northern Rocky Mountain Invasive Plant Management Plan / Environmental Compliance
Golden Spike National Historic Park » Northern Rocky Mountain Invasive Plant Management Plan / Environmental Compliance » Document List
Nonnative invasive or exotic species are considered one of the greatest threats to global biological diversity and are a threat to national park ecosystems. As a result, in accordance with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, the National Park Service (NPS) has developed an Environmental Assessment (EA) that presents two alternatives that would address nonnative invasive plant management in ten national parks located in the northern Rocky Mountains.
Alternative 1 would be a continuation of current management, while Alternative 2 would use a systematic 7-step process.
The preferred alternative (Alternative 2) in the EA will provide the parks with a flexible invasive plant management process, using Integrated Pest Management techniques and adaptive management to direct nonnative invasive plant management activities and to prioritize management actions, target plants and resources.
The NPS encourages public participation throughout the planning process. The EA is currently undergoing a 45-day public review period. The NPS invites the public to submit written comments regarding the proposed project online at the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website: (PEPC project number 20520), or send email comments, or written comments to any of the parks involved in this plan. A complete copy of the EA can be found at the NPS PEPC website listed above. Please provide comments by April 11, 2011. We look forward to hearing from you.
For questions or comments relating to the specific NPS units please contact:
• Big Hole NB: Jimmer Stevenson (406) 689-3155 or Jason Lyon (208) 843-7017 (
• City of Rocks NR: Kristen Bastis (208) 824-5519 (
• Craters of the Moon NM&P: Steven Bekedam (208) 527- 1351 or John Apel (208) 527-1350 (
• Fossil Butte NM: Arvid Aase (307) 877-4455 (
• Golden Spike NHS: Tammy Benson (435) 471-2209 ext.30 (
• Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS: Jason F. Smith (406) 846-2070 ext.242 (
• Hagerman Fossil Beds NM: Ray Vader (208) 837-4793 (
• Little Bighorn Battlefield NM: Melana Stichman (406) 638-3225 (
• Minidoka NHS: Ray Vader (208) 837-4793 (
• Nez Perce NHP, Bear Paw Battlefield site: Jason Lyon (208) 843-7017 or Jannis Jocius (406) 689-3155 (