Comment period closes
Sep 17, 2024
at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in
Days, Hours, Min.

Floodplain Statement of Findings for Delicate Arch Road Bridges

This Floodplain Statement of Findings:
Quantifies the flood hazard associated with the installation of bridges over low water crossings on the Delicate Arch Road.
Presents the rationale for the development of proposed facilities within the regulatory floodplain of Salt Wash and its tributaries, Winter Camp Wash and Salt Valley Wash.
Documents the anticipated negative impacts of these improvements on human health/life, capital investment, and floodplain functions and values.
Presents mitigations to these impacts.
Comment Period: Aug 19, 2024 - Sep 17, 2024
Comment period closes Sep 17, 2024 at 11:59 PM Mountain Time in:
Days, Hours, Min.
Document Content:
FSOF_Delicate Arch Road Bridges.pdf   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
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