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Final Backcountry Management Plan & EIS

This document is a Final Environmental Impact Statement, which follows the Draft Backcountry Management Plan, General Management Plan Amendment, and Environmental Impact Statement released in February 2003 and the Revised Draft Backcountry Management Plan, General Management Plan Amendment, and Environmental Impact Statement released in April 2005. The Final EIS retains the National Park Service preferred alternative from the Revised Draft EIS, but includes elements from other alternatives in response to substantive public comments. Once approved by a Record of Decision, the Backcountry Management Plan will amend the Denali General Management Plan and provide direction for management of recreational and administrative activities in the backcountry for the next 20 years. This is a consolidated Final EIS which contains the full text of the action and environmental analysis for the amended NPS preferred alternative only, and a summary of the other alternatives. For the full text and environmental analysis of the other alternatives, appendices, and full bibliography please consult the Revised Draft EIS.
Document Content:
Executive Summary and Table of Contents   (298.9 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need   (549.0 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 - Alternatives   (667.5 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 - Maps   (1.2 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 3 - Affected Environment Errata   (204.3 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 4 - Environmental Consequences   (472.8 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 6 - Public Comments - Agencies   (384.5 KB, PDF file)
Appendices   (275.3 KB, PDF file)
Index   (43.5 KB, PDF file)
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