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GLBA Revised Backcountry and Wilderness Management Plan and Environmental Assessment- February 2023
The National Park Service is seeking public input on the revised Backcountry and Wilderness Management Plan and EA for Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. This revised management plan outlines the long-term vision for Glacier Bay wilderness lands and waters within the park. It describes how the park will preserve Glacier Bay's exceptional backcountry and wilderness visitor experiences, resources, and values into the future. The park proposes to do this by refining backcountry management zones from the 1984 General Management Plan; defining the resource conditions, visitor experiences, and facilities and services desired in each zone; and developing strategies and actions to achieve and maintain overall and specific desired conditions.
To review the revised Backcountry and Wilderness Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, select the document link under the 'Open for Comment' tab on the left-hand side of this page.
The final plan is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2023 and will be posted on this site once available.
Comment Period:
Feb 15, 2023 - Mar 17, 2023
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Document Content: |
GLBA_Revised BWMP and EA_20230215_508.pdf
(16.3 MB, PDF file)
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