Maintaining Finley Creek Road Access Through Continued Removal of Gravel

The EA analyzes the effects of continued bulldozing of gravel in the intermittent Finley Creek channel to protect the Quinault North Shore Road’s Finley Creek bridge and to maintain access to the Quinault Valley, both for National Park Service (NPS) visitors as well as area residents and property owners. The EA evaluates the removal of a portion of the stream bed’s gravel for use in park projects in the Quinault area. The EA also analyzes a no action alternative.
Comment Period: Closed        Jul 19, 2005 - Aug 19, 2005
Document Content:
EA Cover   (25.0 KB, Word file)
Maps 1 and 1a   (1.7 MB, Word file)
Map 1b   (1.6 MB, Word file)
Chapter 4   (213.5 KB, Word file)
Chapter 1   (763.0 KB, Word file)
Chapter 2   (1.3 MB, Word file)
Chapters 5 and 6   (58.5 KB, Word file)
Table of Contents   (40.0 KB, Word file)
Chapter 3   (45.5 KB, Word file)
Appendices   (86.0 KB, Word file)
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