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Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks » Rehabilitate 15.29 Miles of the Mineral King Road in Sequoia National Park » Document List » Document Contents
Project Information for Public Scoping
The NPS, in cooperation with Central Federal Lands Highway Division of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is proposing to resurface, restore, and rehabilitate 15.29 miles of the Mineral King Road. The proposed action includes re-paving the roadway within its existing width (including paving approximately one mile of road that is not currently paved), stabilizing and reinforcing cutslopes and the outside edge of the roadway, replacing and enlarging over 200 culverts, paving six currently unpaved parking lots near the end of the road, and adding accessible parking and equivalent experiences where feasible. Given the short construction season at high elevations, temporary road closures would likely be necessary throughout construction. The NPS anticipates that construction would begin, at the earliest, in 2023 and would occur over the course of several years.
Public comments on the proposed action will be accepted April 20th until midnight, May 19th, 2021. Please comment online by clicking on the "comment now" button to the left. Comments may also be mailed to: Superintendent, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Attn: Mineral King Road Rehabilitation, 47050 Generals Highway, Three Rivers, CA 93271. Comments that provide insights about the current proposed action and potential mitigations around public closures are particularly helpful.
The documents below contain information about the purpose and need for action, specific information about the proposed action, and resources of concern. These materials include the press release that was shared on April 20, 2021; the slide show that was presented in the virtual public meeting on April 27, 2021 as well as transcripts of the presentation (in English and Spanish); and a narrative description of the proposed action. The virtual public meeting that was held on April 27 was recorded. A video of that recording is available on the park website at: Please contact with any questions or if you having difficulty accessing any of the information posted.
Comment Period:
Apr 20, 2021 - May 19, 2021
Topic Questions: |
1. Do you have any specific concerns about the proposed action and its impact on natural or cultural resources? If so, please describe. |
2. As described within the public scoping document, sectional road closures would be necessary during project implementation. What would you like the NPS to consider when making decisions about these closures? What types of closures would you find acceptable or not acceptable and why? |
3. What else would you like to share with the NPS as it relates to this proposed action? |
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Document Content: |
Transcript of April 27 2021 Public Meeting - English.pdf
(261.1 KB, PDF file)
Press Release_2021 April 20
(440.8 KB, PDF file)
Proposed layout for MK Eagle Lake Trailhead Parking Lot.pdf
(1.7 MB, PDF file)
20210427 Mineral King Road Rehab Presentation for Public Scoping.pdf
(24.4 MB, PDF file)
Transcript of April 27 2021 Public Meeting - Espanol.pdf
(264.7 KB, PDF file)
Public Scoping Information_2021 April 20
(156.0 KB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
Note: Some of the files may be in PDF format and can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download a free copy of from Adobe Systems. |