PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

This National LRTP was developed through a service-wide multi-disciplinary effort that incorporated the three C's of transportation planning: cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing. The plan is focused on five goal areas that are specific to the NPS mission: financial sustainability, facility management, safety, visitor experience, and resource protection. Within each goal area the plan lays out the baseline conditions and trends, provides recommended strategies to achieve the stated objectives, and lists the performance measures and targets that the National Park Service will use to gauge progress towards meeting the goal and objectives.

A wide variety of NPS staff, including over 80 subject matter experts at the Directorate, Region, Unit, and Program level, as well as external stakeholders, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), provided critical input to each phase of the planning process. This plan, and the extensive collaborations which produced it, lay the foundation for a new era of transportation planning for the National Park Service, one in which transportation decisions are increasingly made within a more comprehensive and coordinated context, and with greater involvement of NPS programs and partners not traditionally included in transportation planning.

Developing an NPS LRTP consists of six steps:
• Step 1: Establish the LRTP vision, goals and objectives and associated performance measures and evaluation criteria
• Step 2: Perform a condition and performance assessment for the transportation system
• Step 3: Identify long-term needs
• Step 4: Develop funding and investment strategies to produce a long-range budget
• Step 5: Establish funding priorities to develop a financially constrained LRTP
• Step 6: Assess progress and monitor performance