The Wilderness Stewardship Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (WSP/EIS) was initiated in the Fall of 2015. The Park conducted external/public scoping from November 2015 to January 2016. The Park conducted a comment period to review our preliminary concepts and ideas, to gain input on addressing the following complex issues in the Yosemite Wilderness: Visitor Use and Capacity, and Stock Use.

On behalf of Yosemite National Park, the wilderness planning team wishes to express our gratitude for the extensive public involvement we have received during the initial phases of developing the park's Wilderness Stewardship Plan. We are now turning our attention to additional research, data collection and analysis to refine management alternatives before releasing additional materials for public comment. Extending the analytical phase of the project has delayed the release of the draft EIS for public comment and the record of decision beyond the projected completion date. As we get closer to the next round of public involvement, we will alert you to upcoming opportunities to re-engage with this important effort.