This study depends on input and participation from a broad range of stakeholders and community members. The ideas generated through public engagement will be combined with the resource analysis and NPS criteria to develop the study's findings and recommendations. At key milestones we send out newsletters to report back to the community what we learn throughout the study process. There is also be a public website where we share this information and provide opportunities to provide input electronically. In addition, the study team members may be contacted at any point during the process.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Public Start up of the Study
Step 2. Resource Analysis: Significance and Suitability
Step 3. Feasibility Analysis
Step 4. Development of Alternatives
Step 5. Analyze Environmental Impacts
Step 6. Draft Report
Step 7. Final Report/Transmittal to Congress *

The final study report was transmitted to Congress on February 16, 2016 which concludes the NPS study process.