The General Management Plan (GMP) is the basic plan for all park units in the National Park System. A GMP provides a foundation to help park managers guide programs and set priorities for resource stewardship, visitor understanding and appreciation, partnerships, and facilities and operations for the next 15-20 years. All concepts, strategies, and actions in a GMP must be consistent with the reasons the unit was established - its purpose and significance. Federal legislation and National Park Service (NPS) policies also direct what the plan can and cannot consider.

To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act and NPS policy, the GMP has been combined with an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The GMP/EIS has identified significant issues and concerns, present a reasonable range of management alternatives, and analyze the environmental consequences of each of the alternatives.

Participation in the plannning process by park staff, partners, neighbors, and the general public has been crucial to the success of this planning effort.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Define purpose and need/develop preliminary alternatives
Step 2. Conduct external scoping
Step 3. Refine alternatives
Step 4. Identify environmental impacts and select preferred alternative
Step 5. Prepare draft plan/environmental document
Step 6. Public review of draft plan/environmental document
Step 7. Analysis of public comment
Step 8. Prepare final plan/decision document
Step 9. Release final plan/decision document to the public *

The results of this analysis have been published in a Final GMP/EIS. The Final GMP/EIS will be distributed to the public for review and is available on this website. A preferred alternative for the future management of the Memorial has been identified in the Final GMP.

With substantial input from the public, Alternative 3 was selected as the preferred management direction for achieving future desired conditions for this site and resolving long-standing issues. The NPS planning team is also working with city, state, and federal agencies to identify possible strategies for implementing elements of the General Management Plan.