Planning is a multi-year process that involves collecting data, soliciting public input and participation, analyzing different options, preparing a draft and final document, and making a final decision on what action to take. Below are the steps the Park will be taking to develop an ORV Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Internal Scoping - NPS staff identify initial purpose, need, and preliminary alternatives
Step 2. Agency Scoping - NPS contacts other agencies and Tribes about the Plan/EIS and process
Step 3. Public Scoping- NPS meets with the public to solicit comments on the purpose, need, and initial alternatives of the plan
Step 4. Identify and Refine Alternatives - NPS uses information collected during internal, agency, and public scoping to develop a range of management alternatives
Step 5. Collect data - NPS collects data needed to describe the affected environment and impacts of the alternatives
Step 6. Prepare Draft Plan/EIS - NPS prepares document describing the alternatives, the impacts of the alternatives and other important information
Step 7. Public Review and Comment of the Plan/Draft EIS *
Step 8. Analysis of Public Comment
Step 9. Prepare Final Plan/EIS
Step 10. Proposed Rule available for comment
Step 11. Decision Document (Record of Decision)
Step 12. Final Rule
Step 13. Implement the Plan