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The Environmental Assessment (EA) was released on January 8, 2009 for public review and comment. The EA analyzed two alternatives: relocate Hurricane Ridge Weather Station to the existing snow stake site (management preferred alternative) and the no action alternative (alternative A). Alternative B is the selected alternative.
* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Proposal Submitted to NPS
Step 2. Internal Scoping and Identification of Issues
Step 3. 30-day Public Scoping
Step 4. Evaluate Scoping Comments
Step 5. Identify Alternatives and Issues
Step 6. Prepare Environmental Assessment
Step 7. 30-day Public Review of Environmental Assessment
Step 8. Analyze Public Comments
Step 9. Prepare Final Decision Document
Step 10. Final Decision Document Submitted to Regional Director
Step 11. Decision Document Signed
Step 12. Public Notified of Decision *
NWAC is administered by the U.S. Forest Service, but it is cooperatively funded by a variety of federal, state, and private agencies, including the Washington State Department of Transportation, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, National Weather Service, Pacific Northwest Ski Areas Association, Friends of the Avalanche Center, the NPS, and others.
Park crews plan to install the new weather station in July or August after the snow melts. Work at the site will be completed using a backhoe or small trencher, hand tools, small concrete mixer, and a truck to deliver supplies to the site.