PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Voygaeurs National Park is currently seeking input regarding the proposed construction of a bicycle trail connecting the existing bike path along Highway 11 with the park's Rainy Lake Visitor Center.

The proposed planning process includes:

1) Initial Scoping Period (30 days)
- Identify/Clarify Alternatives
- Identify potential impacts
- Identify Mitigation to eliminate, reduce or minimize identified impacts
- Encourage communication and participation with interested members of the public and partner agencies.

2) Writing of an Environmental Assessment (EA)

3) Public Review & Comment (30 Days)

4) Determination of Effect
- Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
- Significant Impact likely (begin Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process.

5) If no significant impacts are identified, a Record of Decision is signed by the National Park Service, Midwest Regional Director

6) Selected Alternative is implemented (bike trail is constructed).

The environmental assessment (EA) is currently in the public review stage. Please click on the documents link to view a copy of the EA and to submit comments or questions.