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In December 2006, National Park Service (NPS) leadership provided their assessment on the study team's initial finding for the national significance, suitability, and feasibility of the Virginia Key Beach Park site. Since then, a number of internal meetings and presentations were conducted between the study team and NPS colleagues that culminated in an approval from NPS leadership to proceed with notifying the public of the findings. An abbreviated summary of the NPS's findings is presented in the newsletter located in the documents section of this webpage.
The study team will reviewed and analyzed comments received from stakeholders and the public regarding the contents of this newsletter and the public meetings.
A special resource study report that includes background information regarding Virginia Key Beach Park and a more detailed evaluation of significance, suitability, feasibility, and whether Virginia Key Beach Park requires direct management by the NPS was completed. A legislative package that includes the final study report, preliminary recommendations based on
the NPS's findings, and a summary of public comments will be assembled and transmitted to the Director of the NPS. The Director will use the study and the preliminary recommendation in finalizing an NPS recommendation that will be transmitted to the Secretary of the Interior.
After review of the report and recommendation, Congress has the option to pursue legislation establishing a new National Park System unit or other designation.