The NPS is requesting input from the public to help guide the content of the study. Information about underrepresented groups or lesser-known histories related to specific NHLs will help the NPS to create a more useful and inclusive document. Suggestions for potential products and educational materials to supplement the Special History Study are also encouraged. All members of the public are invited to provide input, including those with connections to sites that have histories that occurred after the Revolution.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Project Initiation
Step 2. Development of Internal 1st Draft
Step 3. Public Engagement - Project Introduction
Step 4. Review of Study
Step 5. Analysis of Public Comment
Step 6. Prepare 2nd Draft of Study *
Step 7. Public Engagement - Presentation of 2nd Draft Report
Step 8. Analysis of Public Comment
Step 9. Prepare Final Study
Step 10. Release Final Study to the Public