Important steps in the TUSK GMP planning process are outlined below, along with anticipated timelines for completion. During the planning process, the NPS will engage the Tule Springs Advisory Council, affiliated tribes through consultation, and other agencies, stakeholders and the general public in the development of the general management plan.

Once the National Park Service has gathered input on desired natural and cultural resource conditions and visitor experiences, as well as other important values related to the monument, the NPS will develop a draft GMP and environmental assessment.

Development of the GMP is consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and other applicable laws and policies. At this time the GMP planning process is expected to result in the development of an Environmental Assessment.

For more details on the project and its timeline, please refer to the "Newsletter", found at the "Document List" link at the left side of this webpage.

* indicates the current step in the planning process
Step 1. Project Commencement - Identify planning issues and opportunities (Winter 2021-2022)
Step 2. Public Engagement - Seeking public feedback on desired natural and cultural resource conditions, visitor experiences, and other important values related to the monument for plan development (Summer 2022).
Step 3. Refine Strategies and Develop Plan (Fall-Winter 2022).
Step 4. Prepare Plan and Associated Compliance (Spring-Fall 2023).
Step 5. Initiate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and draft Environmental Assessment (Fall 2023)
Step 6. Public review of draft plan/environmental document (Winter 2024).
Step 7. Address public comments; revise plan as needed (Winter-Spring 2024)
Step 8. Finalize GMP and Associated Compliance (Spring 2024) *

The preferred alternative was selected because it best responds to the purpose and need of the plan without having significant impacts on park resources. The selected alternative will address legal and policy requirements and fulfill park planning priorities for resource protection, access, use, and development.

Using the criteria defined in the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) NEPA regulations (section 1501.3[b]) and based on the information contained in the plan/EA, the National Park Service has determined that the selected alternative does not constitute a major federal action having a significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared.