Fire Safe San Mateo Monthly Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jun 12, 2013 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Woodside Town Hall
Whiskey Hill Rd and Woodside Rd
Woodside, California

Fire Safe San Mateo meetings are open to the public and are held the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30am. Meetings are typically 2 hours.

The California Fire Safe Council provides resources for establishing and maintaining local Fire Safe Councils, such as the FSC Handbook, nonprofit and funding information.

Mission: Mobilizing Californians to protect their homes, communities and environments from wildfire.

Vision: Together, people and communities have eliminated the impact of catastrophic wildfires on all they hold dear.

A formal presentation provided by NPS will begin at 10AM.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Old white building set behind commercial property on corner. Easy access from I280 onto Woodside Road exit. Entry on Whiskey Hill and Woodside Roads.

URL/Webinar link:

Fire Management at Rancho - Public Meeting
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Jun 25, 2013 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Farallone View Elementary School
1100 LeConte
Montara, California
Join park staff and planners to learn about and discuss the amendment to the GGNRA FMP.
You are welcome to attend at anytime during the hours listed. However, a formal presentation will begin at 6:30PM.

Meeting Directions/Instructions:
The meeting will be held in the multi-use room. Please see the link below for a map of the location.

URL/Webinar link: