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Meeting Notices
Carlsbad Caverns National Park » Rattlesnake Springs Management Plan
Public Scoping for Rattlesnake Springs management plan | ||||
Date | Start Time | End Time | Time Zone | Location |
May 23, 2006 | 6:00 PM | 8:00 PM | Stevens Inn 1829 S. Canal Street Carlsbad, New Mexico |
The meeting will begin with a brief presentation about Rattlesnake Springs which will be followed by an open forum in which the public can ask questions or submit issues and concerns.
Carlsbad Caverns National Park is developing a management plan for the Rattlesnake Springs unit with the associated compliance documentation, and is seeking public input on issues and concerns.
The Rattlesnake Springs unit was acquired in 1934 for the primary purpose of ensuring a reliable domestic water supply for the cavern area development. The stream and wetland system has been sustained by the remaining undiverted spring flow and is an extraordinary natural resource. More than 350 species of birds, at least 40 species of amphibians and reptiles, at least 30 species of mammals, and a very high diversity of invertebrate species occur at Rattlesnake Springs. In addition, this area was used by prehistoric and historic peoples. For its significant role in our nation's history, this area has been recognized as the Rattlesnake Springs Historic District and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has recently been identified as a Cultural Landscape.
The previous plan was completed in 1989 and needs to be updated to include changing conditions, new research, and more detailed management information. The Rattlesnake Springs unit is the only domestic water source for the park, as well as an extraordinary natural area, and an important cultural landscape. The development of a comprehensive plan will allow the park to look at ways to protect interrelated resource values, such as maintaining historic features while enhancing biotic resources. The challenge of the Rattlesnake Springs Management Plan will be to preserve and protect the natural and cultural resources while providing for a range of opportunities, facilitating research, and maintaining infrastructure for water delivery.
Meeting Directions/Instructions:
Canal Street is the main N/S road in Carlsbad (also known as Hwy 285/62/180 at that point in town).