Join us in kicking off the Poplar Point Plan process!
Date Start Time End Time Time Zone Location
Feb 11, 2025 6:30 PM 8:00 PM (Zoom)

Washington, District of Columbia

The District of Columbia (District) and the National Park Service (NPS) are excited to announce the restart of the planning process for the redevelopment of Poplar Point.

To receive updates about ongoing communication and engagement throughout this process, we invite you to visit and sign up for updates.

To kick-off this planning effort, we invite you to a webinar to learn more about the Poplar Point Plan. The webinar will include information about the project's background, process, and timeline, and provide an opportunity to ask questions. We will also give an overview of different ways you can participate in the process. Your participation is vital to the success of this planning effort.

Poplar Point is located between the 11th Street Bridge, the Anacostia Freeway (Interstate 295), Suitland Parkway, and the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge. Currently, the area features a mix of accessible open space, fenced-off wetlands and natural areas, abandoned remains of former greenhouses and other government facilities, as well as NPS's current administrative and law enforcement facilities.

In 2006, Congress passed the DC Lands Act (Public Law 109-396), which directed the transfer of NPS property at Poplar Point to the District of Columbia. However, this transfer can happen only once the District meets specific requirements, including:

- Preserving at least 70 acres for park purposes;
- Identifying NPS facilities and their relocation sites;
- Allocating two locations for federal memorials; and,
- Completing an Environmental Assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act

In order to meet these requirements, a Master Plan and an Environmental Assessment are being developed in partnership between the District government and the NPS.

The Poplar Point plan aims to honor the Anacostia Waterfront Framework Plan, restore and preserve natural areas, and enhance access to the waterfront while spurring economic development.

The redevelopment of Poplar Point will be determined in this process and ultimately include a mix of development uses including housing and, community amenities, enhanced connections between the site and surrounding areas, and preserved and improved wetlands and natural areas.

This project builds on previous planning efforts by the District and NPS dating back more than twenty years. This restart offers the opportunity for both new and previously engaged members of the public to guide the plans.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to join us. We look forward to kicking off this process with you on February 11th!

Meeting Directions/Instructions:

Sign up here:

or join by phone by dialing 301-715-8592, Webinar ID: 848 8910 4486

URL/Webinar link: