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Yellowstone National Park Employee Housing Improvements

Yellowstone National Park » Yellowstone National Park Employee Housing Improvements » Document List

Yellowstone National Park has initiated a major housing improvement effort that will substantially upgrade National Park Service employee housing across the park.

The effort focuses on four goals:

1) Replace 64 outdated trailers with high-quality modular cabins.
2) Improve the condition of 150 non-trailer and non-historic housing units.
3) Rehabilitate deteriorating historic homes.
4) Add new housing capacity.

Goal 1 will begin this spring with the removal of 64 trailers built between 1960-1983, that house 80-100 employees annually. The condition of each trailer is extremely substandard and immediate replacement is necessary. The park will replace about 35 trailers at Old Faithful, Lake Village, Mammoth Hot Springs, and Bechler with high-quality modular cabins. In 2021, the remaining trailers will be replaced. All replacements will be in existing developed areas.

For more information regarding goal 1, please see the "Document List" tab located on the left-hand side of this screen.

All projects will proceed in conformance with requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and any consultation that is necessary. Future public engagement will occur as planning and actions develop specific to the goals.

Contact Information

Morgan Warthin: (307) 344-2015