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Shark Valley Site Plan
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The National Park Service (NPS) is pleased to announce the issuance of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Shark Valley Site Plan Environmental Assessment (Site Plan/EA). Regional Director Mark Foust approved the FONSI based on the EA recommended by Everglades National Park Superintendent Pedro Ramos.
Copies of the EA and FONSI may be accessed by clicking on the "Document List" link at the left side of this page.
Based on the analysis presented in the Site Plan/EA, the NPS selected Alternative C, Overflow Parking Lot Immediately North of Visitor Center for implementation. The selected alternative was defined in the EA as the NPS preferred alternative and is described below, and a full description can be found in Chapter 2, page 14 - 21 of the EA.
Under Alternative C, the overflow parking lot is proposed inside of the entrance gate, north of the visitor center. The existing traffic flow will not change along the Entrance Road and within the visitor center parking area. Visitors will be directed to the main parking lot first, then to the overflow parking lot when needed. The selected alternative will provide the safest vehicular and pedestrian access to the visitor center.
The overflow parking lot will be located in the same general area as the visitor center and provides a natural extension of the existing development (the parking lot and visitor center). In addition, Alternative C will be the least visually intrusive to the surrounding environment.
In addition, the selected alternative includes elements common to all actions alternatives that were analyzed as part of the 2015 Everglades National Park General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement.
Copies of the EA and FONSI may be accessed by clicking on the "Document List" link at the left side of this page.
Based on the analysis presented in the Site Plan/EA, the NPS selected Alternative C, Overflow Parking Lot Immediately North of Visitor Center for implementation. The selected alternative was defined in the EA as the NPS preferred alternative and is described below, and a full description can be found in Chapter 2, page 14 - 21 of the EA.
Under Alternative C, the overflow parking lot is proposed inside of the entrance gate, north of the visitor center. The existing traffic flow will not change along the Entrance Road and within the visitor center parking area. Visitors will be directed to the main parking lot first, then to the overflow parking lot when needed. The selected alternative will provide the safest vehicular and pedestrian access to the visitor center.
The overflow parking lot will be located in the same general area as the visitor center and provides a natural extension of the existing development (the parking lot and visitor center). In addition, Alternative C will be the least visually intrusive to the surrounding environment.
In addition, the selected alternative includes elements common to all actions alternatives that were analyzed as part of the 2015 Everglades National Park General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement.
Contact Information
Daniel Noon305-242-7717