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Arches National Park Proposes Fee Increases
Arches National Park » Arches National Park Proposes Fee Increases » Document List
Current Entrance Fees:
$10 private vehicle
$5 Individual (walk up or bicycle)
$5 per person on a motorcycle
$25 Southeast Utah Group Annual Pass
Proposed Entrance Fees:
$25 private vehicle
$10 Individual (walk up or bicycle)
$20 per motorcycle
$50 Southeast Utah Group Annual Pass
The SEUG annual pass allows the pass holder and those traveling with him/her in a single, private, non-commercial vehicle entrance to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks and Hovenweep and Natural Bridges National Monuments.
With the exception of the annual pass, all entrance passes are valid for up to seven days only at the park where they were purchased.
Entrance Fees are not charged to persons under 16 years of age or to holders of the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Senior, Access or Military Passes. These passes are available at the park.
In addition, in order to encourage visitors to enter the park during less crowded times Arches National Park is proposing a trial, reduced (off-peak) entrance fee for private vehicles. A reduced fee of $10 per private vehicle is proposed.
Under the NPS initiative to standardize fees, nightly campsite fees would increase while group campsite fees would be determined based on a tiered/flat rate fee structure rather than the current minimum or reservation fee in addition to per person fees. Please view the news release to view proposed campground rates.
The park is proposing an increase to ranger-led Fiery Furnace tours from $10 for adults (13 years and older) and $5 for children (5 to 12 years of age) to $15 for adults and $8 for children.
In addition, the park is proposing an increase to the cost of private permits for Fiery Furnace from $4 for adults (13 years and older) and $2 for children (5 to 12 years of age) to $6 for adults and $3 for children, and $15 for the annual pass.
To comment on the proposed fee increases please submit comments through this website by clicking on the tab to the left "open for comment" under project links and clicking on the News Release document. If you are unable to comment on-line please submit written comments to the address below. In addition, faxed comments will be accepted at (435) 719-2300. All public comments must be received by February 13, 2015.
Contact Information
Planning and ComplianceNational Park Service
2282 SW Resource Blvd
Moab, UT 84532