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Construct Two New Trails on the West Side of Pinnacles National Park
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Pinnacles National Park is happy to announce that the new accessible Prewett Point Trail (1 mile loop) and the Jawbone Trail (1.2 miles one way) are now complete and open to the public. Both trails can be accessed from the West Pinnacles Contact Station.
Pinnacles National Park has completed the environmental analysis for the project to construct two new trails from the West Side Visitor Contact Station (VCS). The project will construct an accessible trail at the VCS and construct a second trail that connects the VCS to trailheads located at the Chaparral Day Use Area.
The project is needed because there are currently no trails in the vicinity of the recently built VCS, which detracts from the visitor experience and results in resource damage. Without a formalized trail, visitors hike around the VCS and create their own 'social' trails, which results in damage to native vegetation, contributes to erosion, and threatens the cultural landscape of nearby historic sites. Visitors that park at the VCS currently cannot reach the other trails within the park by foot unless they walk along a one lane, winding, and shoulder-less road to the Chaparral Area. This road was not designed to accommodate pedestrian use and is unsafe for hiking. Additionally, there are limited opportunities for an accessible visitor experience. An accessible trail with informational panels will open up the visual, cultural and natural resources to those unable to negotiate the more strenuous trails.
The Finding of No Significant Impact documents the environmental analysis and documents the NPS determination that the project will have no significant effects. Click on the Documents link to the left to review the FONSI.
Construction of the accessible trail is expected to begin in fall 2016.
Contact Information
Karen Beppler-Dorn, Superintendent, (831) 389-4486, ext. 233Debbie Simmons, Facility Manager, (831) 389-4286