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Updated Fire Management Plan

Glacier National Park » Updated Fire Management Plan » Document List

In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Park Service (NPS) has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for an updated Fire Management Plan (FMP) for Glacier National Park.

The FMP would define a program of work to manage wildfire, prescribed fire, and non-fire fuel treatments; protect the public and park communities; and protect park values, including natural and cultural resources and infrastructure. Specific strategies and tactics would be selected depending on the location and defined incident protection and resource objectives. The park would use prescribed fire and non-fire fuels treatments to accomplish objectives such as reducing fuel accumulation and maintaining desired conditions. The updated FMP would replace the park's current FMP, last updated in 2003. The FMP's purpose is consistent with the mission of the NPS Wildland Fire Program.

The entire draft of the updated FMP is also posted here for reference during public review of the EA.

Contact Information

Amy Secrest