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Cottonwood Cove Access Road Rehabilitation

Lake Mead National Recreation Area » Cottonwood Cove Access Road Rehabilitation » Document List

The NPS, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, is proposing rehabilitation of Cottonwood Cove access Road from the entrance station to the marina and boat launch area on Lake Mohave in Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Improvement will widen lanes, pave the shoulder and straighten curves along two sections of the roadway. The current lanes on the Cottonwood Cove access road are inadequate to accommodate the large vehicles and trailers that use the road. If approved, the project will establish a safe, effective and accessible driving route from the entrance station to the marina and boat launch area for visitors and NPS employees.

Public participation has been an important element of the planning process.

Civic engagement for this project occurred from October 1-November 1, 2021.

Review and comment of the EA occurred from May 2-June 1, 2023.

The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed on August 24, 2023.

This finding of no significant impact (FONSI) documents the decision of the NPS to select the preferred alternative (selected alternative) for the Cottonwood Cove Road improvements at Lake Mead NRA. The statements and conclusions reached in this FONSI are based on documentation and analysis provided in the EA and associated decision file.

Contact Information

Carl Bush, Civil Engineer
Phone: 702-293-8735