I-285 Top End Express Lanes

Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area » I-285 Top End Express Lanes » Document List

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) are engaged in the design and environmental review process for a proposed highway express lanes project along the northern section of Interstate 285 (I-285) in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. This project, which aims to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion, includes notable construction activities within the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, a unit managed by the NPS.

Proposed Project Details
The project involves the construction of two additional bridges at the I-285 Chattahoochee River crossing to accommodate new express lanes. These new bridges are crucial to the proposed expansion, intended to improve traffic efficiency and manage high-volume traffic more effectively along I-285.

Environmental and Design Considerations
The Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area is a designated Section 4(f) resource, which mandates special consideration to avoid and minimize impacts to parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites. The project must comply with environmental regulations to minimize impacts on the natural habitat and recreational value of the area. The environmental documentation will thoroughly assess potential short-term and long-term effects on the river ecosystem including wetlands, air quality, soundscape, viewshed, and recreational activities.

Section 4(f) Considerations
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area is located within the GDOT Right of Way and because this section of the river is designated as a recreational trail, it is subject to Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89-670, 80 Stat. 931). This means that any transportation project must demonstrate that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to using the land, and that all possible planning to minimize harm has been included. The FHWA and GDOT must ensure that the project:

-Avoids the use of Section 4(f) properties, if a feasible and prudent alternative exists.
-Minimizes harm to the Section 4(f) property if avoidance is not possible.
-Mitigates any impacts to the Section 4(f) resource through planning and design measures.

Special Use Permit and Easements
In addition to meeting Section 4(f) requirements, the project will require specific permissions from the NPS:

Special Use Permit for Temporary Easement Use: This permit will cover temporary use of land for construction and staging purposes. The permit process will involve ensuring that temporary impacts are minimized and that the land will be restored to its original condition following construction.

Highway Easement Deed for Permanent Easement Use: This deed will grant the necessary permanent easements for the highway infrastructure. It will be crucial to ensure that the permanent use of land is justified, with measures in place to mitigate any long-term impacts on the park area.

The FHWA and GDOT's proposed construction of two additional bridges at the I-285 crossing is an important component, requiring careful planning and adherence to environmental and Section 4(f) guidelines to ensure the protection and preservation of the natural, wetland, and recreational resources of the Chattahoochee River. Special attention will be given to protection and preserving NPS resources including visitor experience, while complying with the stringent requirements of Section 4(f).

Moreover, securing a special use permit for temporary easement use and a highway easement deed for permanent easement use from the NPS will be critical steps. These permits will ensure that construction and permanent modifications are conducted responsibly, with minimal disruption to the park and its resources.

Additionally, a floodplain and wetlands statement of findings has been prepared, as required by NPS policy, to explain why the preferred alternative would have adverse impacts on NPS floodplains and wetlands. This document outlines the mitigation process for adverse effects on these NPS resources due to the construction of two new bridges across the Chattahoochee River.

The FHWA and GDOT DEIS and NPS statement of findings (Appendix H-11) is available online at: Environmental / I-285 Top End Express Lanes (arcgis.com).

Public comments should be made to: Eric Duff, State Environmental Administrator Georgia Department of Transportation 600 West Peachtree Street, NW - 16th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30308 or email TopEndExpressLanes@dot.ga.gov or go to https://i285topendexpresslanes-gdot.hub.arcgis.com. Comments on the DEIS and NPS statement of findings are due by July 29, 2024.

Contact Information

Beth Wheeler