PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Visitor Center Exterior Maintenance (Add gutters and repair stem wall)

Sitka National Historical Park » Visitor Center Exterior Maintenance (Add gutters and repair stem wall) » Document List

Add gutters where needed to exterior elevations of Visitor Center to prevent damage to exposed concrete stem walls and wood siding. Gutters will be same profile, material, and color as existing gutters. Gutter design will be the same as original 1966 gutters. Make repairs to the concrete foundation wall on the south facing portion of the building where roof splash and freeze/thaw cycle has damaged exterior surface. Contractors/Crews will use historic concrete preservation techniques specified in applicable Preservation Briefs found here: , including Preservation Brief 15 (Preservation of Historic Concrete).

Contact Information

Chief of Maintenance, 907-747-0150