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Proposed Delta-01 Tour Fee Increase

Minuteman Missile National Historic Site » Proposed Delta-01 Tour Fee Increase » Document List

Minuteman Missile National Historic Site is seeking input about a proposed tour fee change for the ranger-guided tours at the Delta-01 Launch Control Facility. If approved, the new rates would take effect January 1, 2019.

The thirty-minute ranger-guided tour of the control center at Delta-01 begins with a walk through the grounds and topside support building. Visitors then descend via elevator 31 feet underground to the Launch Control Center to see the electronics used by missileers to control ten Minuteman II missiles. Built for nuclear war, the control center features a small elevator and a tight underground space. To protect the historic facilities and to provide for visitor safety, each tour is limited to six participants. This fee covers only the ranger-led tour at Delta-01; there is no entrance fee to visit the park.

The current expanded amenity fee and tour structure charges $6 per adult and $4 per youth (ages 6 to 16) for a thirty minute tour of the Delta-01 facility. The park proposes a restructured fee of $12 per adult and $8 per youth (ages 6 to 16) and an increase in the tour duration to forty-five minutes.

"The tour through Delta-01 provides the public with the opportunity to view a unique and once restricted place," said Superintendent Eric Leonard, "A review of the current structure last summer revealed that the present fee is well below the common market rate for similar services and like facilities."

Tour revenue is kept by the park to use for deferred maintenance and preservation projects. If you would like to comment on the proposed rate increase, please respond by August 17, 2018 to, or by the Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website at

Contact Information

Superintendent Eric Leonard
605 433-5552, ext. 1238