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Backwater Restoration at Bow Creek Recreation Area

Missouri National Recreational River » Backwater Restoration at Bow Creek Recreation Area » Document List

Missouri National Recreational River (MNRR) is proposing to restore and rehabilitate a backwater channel at the MNRR owned and managed Bow Creek Recreation Area near Wynot, Nebraska.

The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) is seeking a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 404 permit for road embankment repairs and mitigation work along Nebraska Highway 12. As part of their mitigation for impacts to wetlands under the permit, NDOT has agreed to restore a Missouri River historic backwater channel at MNRR's Bow Creek Recreation Area. This is off-site, in-kind, and out-of-kind mitigation for permanent wetland impacts resulting from Nebraska Highway 12 road embankment repairs (Phase I and II) which occurred within the MNRR boundary.

Restoration of the backwater area is ecologically important because channel incision and flow regulation has caused loss of shallow water habitats such as side channels and backwater areas. The NPS management objective for the backwater is to restore and rehabilitate 6.23 acres of backwater wetland at Bow Creek Recreation Area.

Contact Information

Milton Haar, Chief of Science and Resources Management
605-665-0209 extension 30