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Replace Outdated Electrical Service to Visitor Center

Sitka National Historical Park » Replace Outdated Electrical Service to Visitor Center » Document List

It has long been a priority for Sitka National Historical Park to have three phase electrical power at the park's Visitors Center (VC). A three-phase system is usually more economical than an equivalent single-phase at the same line to ground voltage because it uses less conductor material to transmit electrical power. Three phase is 150% more efficient. The park desires to replace one of the two oil fired boilers with an electric boiler. Presently we do not have capacity with our electrical infrastructure in the building to operate the electric boiler. We will replace existing, 40-year old underground service lines to Visitor Center. When the visitor center was remodeled in 2001 the existing lines were retained instead of being replaced to save money on the project.

This project covers work to be performed by the City and Borough of Sitka's electrical department. Lincoln Street will be re-paved giving the Park the opportunity to have underground infrastructure put in the ground under the roadway to get three-phase power much closer to our Visitors Center. 900 ft. of the excavation will take place under Lincoln Street from the Sitka Sound Science Center. An underground 4 ft. square underground vault will be placed on the lower side of the power pole at our Visitors Center entrance. The ground was excavated for installation of the power pole and rock was installed below the pole. It is all previously disturbed ground.

Work will take place in the next two years to excavate to the back of the VC and extend the power to the building's boiler room. The excavation will most likely be routed on the south side of the VC parallel to the buildings sewer line.