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Rehabilitate Houchin River Ferry Crossing Site

Mammoth Cave National Park » Rehabilitate Houchin River Ferry Crossing Site » Document List


In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the NPS prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to examine alternative actions and environmental impacts associated with a proposed development concept plan for the Houchin Ferry recreation site at the park. Existing site facilities are aging and need improvements and river conditions have substantially changed in recent years with the failure and subsequent removal of Lock and Dam No. 6 just downstream from the site. Conditions may change again with the possible removal of Lock and Dam No. 5. The plan aims to re-establish the Houchin Ferry site as a destination dedicated to a variety of user groups and recreational activities for both day and overnight use along with safe access to the river. The plan is needed because the catastrophic failure of Lock and Dam No. 6 in November 2016 and its subsequent removal in 2017 caused a river elevation drop of approximately 8 to 10 feet at this location. Both the north and south side concrete ramps at Houchin Ferry no longer reach the river. Lock and Dam No. 5 is slated for removal as well, which will result in a projected loss of an additional 3 to 5 feet of river elevation at the site. The park needs to provide new, safe river access at Houchin Ferry for visitors and staff, as well as upgrade aging facilities for enhanced visitor use and enjoyment.

Barclay Trimble
Mammoth Cave National Park