Brooks Campground Trail Relocation

Katmai National Park & Preserve » Brooks Campground Trail Relocation » Document List

Katmai National Park and Preserve has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze the relocation of the Brooks Campground Trail within the Brooks Camp area of the park. The EA was prepared according to requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, applicable regulations, and agency procedures.

The project includes the following objectives:

1) Relocate the Brooks Campground Trail by constructing approximately 1,300 linear feet of new trail within Brooks Camp.
2) Abandon in place the current Campground Trail, ceasing maintenance activities, and allowing approximately 850 linear feet of existing trail to slowly return to a natural condition.
3) Improve safety conditions along the realigned trail by moving the trail away from an area in the park that sees high bear concentration.
4) Improve the trail surface to be compliant with the accessibility standards set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA).
5) Involve youth by utilizing a trail crew from the Student Conservation Association (SCA) to complete the trail work.

We welcome feedback on this project from our friends, neighbors, stakeholders, and other interested parties. The public review period is October 1, 2018 through October 31, 2018.

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Contact Information

Brian Smith
Environmental Protection Specialist
Katmai National Park and Preserve