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Issuance of a NPS Right-of-Way to TVA for Construction of an Aerial Power Line Near Milepost 159.2
Natchez Trace Parkway » Issuance of a NPS Right-of-Way to TVA for Construction of an Aerial Power Line Near Milepost 159.2 » Document List
TVA completed an EA for the project in January 2017 (see, which focused on the broader impacts of TVA's project. The NPS created this EA to address specific impacts to Natchez Trace Parkway resources from the issuance of a ROW and the construction of a new 161-kV transmission across approximately 2,000 feet of NPS land. Two alternatives are considered by the NPS in this EA, the No Action Alternative and the alternative for Issuance of a NPS ROW to TVA for Transmission Line Construction. The NPS EA also identifies mitigation strategies to offset permanent impacts of a new transmission line to the designed cultural landscape and wetland/floodplain resources of the Natchez Trace Parkway.