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Jackson Hole Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Plan CE

Grand Teton National Park » Jackson Hole Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Plan CE » Document List

The National Park Service has been working in partnership with the Jackson Hole Airport Board and the Federal Aviation Administration to complete a categorical exclusion associated biological assessment to analyze alternatives for management outlined in the September 2014, Jackson Hole Airport, Wildlife Hazard Management Plan, in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. The plan provides a well-defined set of policies, goals, and standards that will be implemented to reduce the risk of wildlife strikes to aircraft.

Due to the number of wildlife strikes associated with sage-grouse (over 50 percent), the primary focus of this project will be sage-grouse and sage-grouse habitat. In March 2010, the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) was listed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as a candidate species (75 FR 13910) because of concerns about range wide declines. State and local working groups initiated conservation planning efforts focusing on guidelines for conserving sage-grouse populations through application of consistent management guidelines and strategies. Attachment A, Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Restoration Plan in Support of a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan for the Jackson Hole Airport (Group, 2014), was prepared as a supplement to the Jackson Hole Airport, Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Plan to assist in the effort.

Public scoping took place February 2017, as a potential environmental assessment. After thorough environmental analysis and additional guidance from the Intermountain Region, Environmental Quality Division, Grand Teton National Park changed the NEPA pathway for this project from an environmental assessment to a NPS categorical exclusion: E (2) Restoration of noncontroversial native species into suitable habitats within their historic range and elimination of exotic species.the National Park Service determined the National Park Service categorical exclusion.

Thank you for your interest.

Contact Information

Margaret Wilson, Planner, Grand Teton National Park