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Non-Tour Park Transportation Service Commercial Use Authorization - Programmatic CE

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This is a request for a 5 year programmatic Categorical Exclusion (CE) to issue Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA) for a non-sightseeing tour, In Park Transportation Service in Yosemite National Park. This programmatic CE will cover CUAs issued beginning on January 1, 2017.

This CUA authorizes the holder to operate commercial, for profit, passenger transportation service provided to park visitors where passengers are transported into the park by motor vehicle to be dropped off at a specified park location, or picked up from a specified park location and transported (1) out of the park; or (2) from a location inside the park to a second location in the park. Example: a backpacker is driven into the park and dropped off at a trailhead to begin a trip ending outside the park or a backpacker ending a trip inside the park is picked up at a trailhead and transported back to their car or start point. No other services are authorized. The service is intended to be a point-to-point transportation service and is not a ride-hailing service or a commercial sightseeing tour service. Authorized vehicle sizes include sedans, SUVs, mini-vans and vans. The use of larger sized vehicles must be approved by the Superintendent prior to their use in the park.

The CUA holder will only be authorized to transport clients inside the park who have pre-booked the transportation. The holder is required to conduct all business, advertisement, bookings and financial transactions outside of the park. The holder is regulated by the terms and conditions of the CUA which is administered and managed by Yosemite National Park, Commercial Use Office in conjunction with the Yosemite Protection Division. Each CUA holder is required to submit an annual use report listing the actual number of trips and clients transported in and out of the park during the permitted year. The CUA is a tool required by the National Park Service to regulate and oversee commercial visitor services conducted within areas managed by the National Park Service, not regulated under a concession contract. The CUA, also known as a permit, is issued to companies or individuals (holders) conducting commercial services in Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park currently issues CUAs for 1 year period. Companies must request a new CUA for each new operational year.

Note: While this service will allow visitors to be dropped off and picked up at in park lodging facilities, the primary purpose is to assist backpackers. Yosemite NP is a primary terminal for backpackers starting or ending their trips. They are often only travelling in one direction and need transportation to or from trailheads back to their cars. Yosemite does offer limited hiker shuttle service in the park; however the times and service areas often do not meet the need of many backpackers and don't operate during the shoulder seasons.