Chinitna Bay bear viewing areas

Lake Clark National Park & Preserve » Chinitna Bay bear viewing areas » Document List

Lake Clark National Park is conducting scoping on a proposed additional bear viewing area at Chinitna Bay. The comment period is open until April 30, 2016.

Over the last three years the numbers of park visitors bear viewing at Chinitna Bay in Lake Clark National Park has nearly tripled. All guided bear viewing in Chinitna Bay on NPS land is permitted at two designated bear viewing areas. The NPS is considering a request from a Commercial Use Operator (CUA) guide service to add an additional bear viewing area at Chinitna Bay.

According to the current CUA's stipulations, a maximum of 15 persons may occupy each bear viewing area at any one time. Unguided park visitors are also encouraged to utilize the same viewing areas and trail access as the CUA operators to improve safety and limit disturbing the bears.

Park staff evaluated three potential bear viewing areas at Chinitna Bay. Access to the viewing areas would continue to be from the beach and travel between sites would not be permitted for visitor safety reasons. The identified options are not visible from existing viewing areas. The NPS preferred location is identified as "A" on the map attached.

Contact Information

Carin Farley, Chief Ranger