Sheriff's House Rehabilitation and Use Plan

First State National Historical Park » Sheriff's House Rehabilitation and Use Plan » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) announces the availability of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the rehabilitation and use plan for the Sheriff's House at First State National Historical Park. The FONSI has been signed by the NPS Regional Director and is now available online.

The purpose of the rehabilitation and use plan is to determine appropriate uses for the Sheriff's House and rehabilitate the structure to support those uses. Action is needed at this time to address outstanding maintenance issues and provide for the long-term preservation of the Sheriff's House. A sustainable plan is needed that is economically feasible, conforms to applicable laws and NPS policies, and be implemented with available federal administrative instruments.

The NPS selected the preferred alternative for implementation. The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is available on this web site, along with other documents that describe the project and explain the basis of the design decision. Please click the "Document List" tab on the left of the screen to view the FONSI and other documents.


Sheriff's House Background Information:

Built in 1857, the Sheriff's House historically served as both the home of the sheriff and as the administrative site for the attached prison which, together with the adjoining New Castle Court House, served as the center of New Castle County's justice system. This structure is all that remains of the first county prison in Delaware.

The building ceased functioning as a prison in 1901 though it continued to function as a temporary lock‐up at various times for decades afterward. Subsequently used as office space, a social club, and police station, the building was vacated nearly twenty years ago. Today it houses the central heating and chilling plant serving the New Castle Courthouse next door. The Sheriff's House was donated to the NPS by the State of Delaware in 2013.

For more detailed information about the Sheriff's House, please find the historic structure report by clicking on the "Document List" link to the left.

Contact Information

Ethan McKinley
(302) 544-6363