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Develop, Fabricate, and Install Exhibits at Snee Farm House and Museum
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site » Develop, Fabricate, and Install Exhibits at Snee Farm House and Museum » Document List
Reviewers are invited to evaluate how well the overall story meets the goals and needs of the site and whether the graphics and text samples shown have the intended feel, look, and interpretation for the future exhibits.
This multi-phase project involves planning, design, fabrication and installation of new interpretive exhibits at Charles Pinckney National Historic Site's historic Snee Farm house and museum. New exhibits will tell a diverse and inclusive narrative, incorporate immersion and interactive elements that appeal to and engage wider and younger audiences.
This project will replace the current exhibits with new exhibits designed to engage and appeal to younger and more diverse audiences through inclusive content and immersive and interactive components, including a space where changing exhibits, demonstrations, and audience centered experiences can be presented. Exhibits will incorporate universal design principles to create barrier free access. More than 55,000 visitors per year will benefit from this project.
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site Superintendent Tracy Stakely states, "This is a unique opportunity to design exhibits for a truly exceptional site. Charles Pinckney National Historic Site does not only tell the story of Charles Pinckney, a signer and contributor of the US Constitution, but the story of the contributions of enslaved African Americans to Lowcountry history and culture. The public service of the Pinckney family was made possible by the enslaved service of African Americans. These stories are inextricably linked. These are some of the legacies we hope to explore within the interpretive exhibits. We are eager to hear public comments on the current proposals."
The tentative schedule for the exhibit planning, fabrication, and installation is as follows:
Fiscal Year 2018 - The park completed compliance on the project and worked with Harper's Ferry Center on the preliminary planning and design work for the exhibits.
Fiscal Year 2019 - The park worked with Harper's Ferry Center on the schematic design phase.
Fiscal Year 2020 and 2021 - The park is working with Harper's Ferry Center on the development and fabrication phases and installation planning.
Fiscal Year 2022 -The park will work with Harper's Ferry Center on the exhibit installation.