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TIMU Fire Management Plan and Environmental Assessment

Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve » TIMU Fire Management Plan and Environmental Assessment » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS), Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve is preparing a Fire Management Plan (FMP) and Environmental Assessment (EA). The NPS policy is to have Fire Management Plans for all units with burnable vegetation. The Preserve Fire Management Plan approved in 2004 is in need of revision to meet current NPS direction and interagency fire policy as well as incorporate newly acquired lands and preserve management goals. Under the revised and updated FMP, the preserve proposes to use prescribed fire in Fire Management Units that allow prescribed fire and also manage certain unplanned ignitions for resource benefit it the FMU allows for that action. Also under consideration is the no action alternative, as required by the regulations implementing NEPA. Within the preserve, the NPS owns approximately 2,332 acres of uplands of historical, cultural or ecological importance. Of this area, 1,183 acres were commercially planted pine plantations. These planted lands are located in two main areas, Black Hammock Island and Thomas Creek and are non-contiguous.

Before a decision will be made on this proposal, the environmental analysis must be completed to meet the requirements of the Environmental Policy Act. The EA will evaluate the potential impacts of the use of prescribed fire on the natural and cultural resources in the project area. The analysis will also consider the potential effects, if any, on the human or social environment as well as evaluate alternatives to the proposed action. The results of this analysis will be documented in the EA and made available to interested and potentially affected individuals for review and comment in accordance in the National Environmental Policy Act and National Park Service Director's Order 12.

Part of this analysis includes scoping or public engagement where the general public and interested individuals are invited to participate in the environmental analysis by providing input on the proposed action.

Contact Information

If you are interested in receiving a paper copy of the EA or have questions regarding the proposal, please contact Shauna Ray Allen, Chief of Resource Stewardship and Partnerships, at 904-221-5568.