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Mill Springs Battlefield Special Resource Study

Denver Service Center » Mill Springs Battlefield Special Resource Study » Document List

Welcome to the Mill Springs Battlefield Special Resource Study project website.

Congress passed Public Law 113-291 on December 19, 2014, which directed the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special resource study of "[t]he area encompassed by the National Historic Landmark designation related to the 1862 Battle of Mill Springs located in Pulaski and Wayne Counties in the State of Kentucky." Based on this legislated directive, the National Park Service analyzed the Mill Springs Battlefield for its potential as a new unit of the national park system.

In 2016, the National Park Service held two public meetings in Wayne and Pulaski Counties, Kentucky, to gauge public support and concerns for inclusion of the battlefield in the national park system. National Environmental Policy Act compliance has been achieved through a categorical exclusion since the study has no measurable environmental impacts.

In March 2019, as the NPS was completing the study process, Congress passed legislation establishing the Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument (Public Law 116-9, the John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act). In accordance with the legislation, Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument was formally established as the 421st unit of the national park system in September 2020.

The study was transmitted to Congress in 2022 simply to complete the study process and meet the statutory requirement of Public Law 113-291. NPS emphasis is now focused on planning to ensure the successful management of Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument into the future.

The study document and transmittal letters are available at:

Contact Information

Justin Henderson
National Park Service
(303) 969-2540