Two areas of erosion are located on the shoreline near the east end of Green Island first noticed in the summer of 2014. These areas of erosion are likely to continue eroding over time, especially if foot traffic increases because of improved acess with the repair of the walkway under the highway bridge. The larger of the two areas is about 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. To repair these areas the park could place erosion control jute mat (made out of plant material) along with grass and herbaceous plant seed collected on site onto the exposed sand. The mat would halt further erosion by wind and rain, allowing the seed to germinate and put down roots which would ultimately stabilize the sandy soil as the mat biodegrades. Additionally cottonwood and willow live stakes collected on site or nearby could be placed within and around the erosion areas to further stabilize the area from waves.
Contact Information
Brian Korman,, 605-665-0209