Sir Francis Drake Blvd Road Improvements

Point Reyes National Seashore » Sir Francis Drake Blvd Road Improvements » Document List

The Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD), in cooperation with Marin County and the National Park Service (NPS), announces the availability for public review and comment of the Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Subsequent Initial Study (SEA/SIS) for Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Road Improvements. Since issuance of the 2015 FONSI/MND, improvements have been proposed and evaluated under the SEA/SIS include replacing the existing culverts under SFDB at Schooner Creek with a single-span bridge, and restoring and stabilizing approximately 710 feet of SFDB that has severely eroded. To compensate for permanent wetland impacts as a result of roadway improvements, part of the parking lot at the Drakes Beach would be restored to a wetland, and two ponds would be constructed within Home Ranch to provide California red-legged frog aquatic breeding habitat. Actions at Drakes Beach and Home Ranch extend beyond the original study area analyzed in 2015. The SEA/SIS meets CFLHD's obligations as the lead agency for this project under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Marin County's obligations under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

The public review period is from Tuesday June 19, 2018 through Wednesday July 18, 2018. Written comments should be submitted by the close of the comment period. Comments may be submitted through this website by selecting "Open for Comment" on the list to the left, then select "Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Improvements SEA/SIS" and follow the directions for commenting. Written comments may also be submitted to Nathan Allen, FHWA-CFLHD, 12300 West Dakota, Ave., STE 380, Lakewood, CO 80228.

Contact Information

John A. Dell'Osso